Session ambassadors Kazerne

Experimenting, deciding, learning and thriving together

Our society demands new directions, and solid redesign, in many areas. . In Eindhoven, we are fortunate to be ahead of the curve in the design field. Design is highly integrated into the city, in education and in an active and vibrant design ecosystem. However, we can and should much better capitalise on our unique advantage to maintain it.

Research shows that designers multiply value across the many sectors in which they play a role. However, designers do not always benefit from the value they create. The development from student to successful designer in Eindhoven has multiple cycles that can include precarious periods, ranging from a lack of work and housing to un(der)paid work. We need to remove these barriers in order to retain (inter)national talent in the city.

This vision was born from a collaboration between designers in Eindhoven, multiple design schools and organisations, knowledge institutions, Dutch Design Foundation and Eindhoven365, at the invitation of and supported by the municipality of Eindhoven. An experiment and a coalition that we hope to see more of in the future and needs to be further developed in the present.

The next step for the city is to unlock the strong potential of design in Eindhoven to confidently tackle the societal, environmental, social and economic challenges we face in the city, the country and the world. Only then can we fulfil the established ambition to be the most human innovative city. The design field in Eindhoven is keen to take that step together with the city. Experimenting, deciding, learning and thriving together. That is our vision.

Session ambassadors Kazerne

Experimenting Together

With the major societal, environmental, social and economic challenges we face, sticking to existing systems is a futile strategy. We need to facilitate experimentation and imagination in order to enthral people and set new agendas. We should also help others overcome their fear of change and practice adaptation. This cannot be achieved alone. Together, we need to figure out which approaches work and which don’t.


designers help people and organisations deal better with the uncertainties that come with experimentation?

we use the proven Key Enabling Methodologies (see CLICKNL) to experiment?

designers also play a key role in scaling up experiments?

designers, engineers and Eindhoven residents soon experiment together in a new kind of 'NatLab'?

Action points for experimenting together


Now integrate design much more into existing experiments and living labs in Eindhoven.

2025 →

In 2025 we will have a new kind of 'NatLab' for experiments by the ‘quadruple helix’ with incubator support.

From 2023 →

From 2030 design and technology are the driving force behind a joint programme of experiments and interventions.

Session ambassadors Kazerne

Deciding together

Designers are trained to set up collaborations between various stakeholders of complex issues. To work flexibly and still make progress while allowing for different perspectives. To steer a process with a long-term goal, mission-driven. All this is often in collaboration with large or small groups of experts, residents, patients, customers, et cetera. Inclusive decision making: everyone participates.


designers complement existing expertise with new ways of embracing complexity?

designers start orchestrating complex collaborations and decision-making processes?

we make decision-making in networked structures more accessible to everyone?

designers help strengthen decisiveness, clout and support in major transitions?

Action points for deciding together:


Now take stock in which domains, transitions and forums designers create strategic added value.

2025 →

In 2025, we will install a Design Council Eindhoven to give creative direction to challenges and transitions.

From 2023 →

From 2030, designers have a clear responsibility and decision-making power in major transitions.

Session ambassadors Kazerne

Learning together

If we want to progress from experimentation to impact and scale, we will have to increase the learning capacity of everyone in Eindhoven. Design education can be better connected to practical cases in industry and society. The enormous potential for cooperation between designers and technical experts in Eindhoven is unique and is still only partly exploited. Working and learning together is in the blood of Eindhoven’s citizens. Let's make better use of this quality; everyone will be the wiser for it.


designers play an essential role in experiments and transformations and help everyone change as well as learn?

we help young generations take responsibility without putting the full weight of all the changes and concerns on their shoulders?

designers and engineers start learning from each other more often and thus learn to work together better?

mission-driven design education makes it easy for Eindhoven citizens to participate in experiments and change processes?

Action points for learning together:


Now link societal issues even stronger to the educational programmes of all design schools.

2025 →

By 2025, we have a shared design research agenda for the entire Eindhoven region.

From 2030 →

From 2030, design schools and their students are systematically integrated into innovation and change programmes.

Session ambassadors Kazerne

Flourishing together

This design vision is not a break with the past, but rooted in a long Eindhoven tradition of making, pioneering and unconventional thinking. This may become more visible and tangible in the city. To continue this tradition, room for 'incubation, fraying and experimentation' must be maintained as much as the development of designers from student to successful professional. Only then can design create the value that makes Eindhoven flourish and everyone grow.


we work together even harder together to maintain Eindhoven's experimental, innovative and international character?

we develop iconic, experimental places and experiences around design, culture and creativity that put poetry, beauty, desire and imagination to full use?

we make Eindhoven an exciting, liveable city with plenty of space for creatives so that talent stays in the city?

we use Eindhoven's illustrious design history to learn to look to the future with confidence together with all Eindhoven residents?

Action points for flourishing together:


Now make Eindhoven's design history and designers' development cycles more visible and stronger.

2025 →

In 2025, the municipality has a design policy that combines the development of designers and the city.

From 2030 →

From 2030, design is inextricably linked to the confidence in the future of all Eindhoven residents.

Session ambassadors Kazerne

Let’s get started!

The next step is to further integrate design into the way we think and do things in the city At all levels, especially outside the creative sector too. In the future, Eindhoven will be the design city because design is intertwined with our way of working together and pursuing clear goals. Experimenting, deciding, learning and thriving together. That's our design vision.

What we need to do now is draw up a roadmap and make plans to make this vision a reality. This will be a big task for many and will take the entire design field in Eindhoven and the Eindhoven municipality. We can learn from the way this vision came about. During implementation, many ideas can flourish because the goals are clearly set and substantiated in this vision, see also the long version of this vision with more detail, background and examples. On this solid foundation, we can build multiple implementation plans, monitor how much progress we make, and determine when we reach our goals. Let’s get started!